Frequently Asked Questions

Where are you located?

We are an entirely mobile catering service proudly based out of Tustin, CA.

Are you licensed and insured?

Of course! We pride ourselves on being fully insured and licensed through the City of Tustin, County of Orange Health Department, and State of California.

How many people can you serve?

We can serve crowds of all sizes! From parties as small as 50, or as large as 1000+. To make sure we have enough time to feed your party, please allow approximately 1 hour per 100 people

How long does it take you to set up?

From start to finish, our set up takes approximately 1.5 hours. In the event that your venue has specific requirements, we may need an additional 30 minutes.

How are the donuts served?

Hot and Fresh! We can sugar the donuts for you, or your guests can sugar their own customized creations. Your donuts, your way!

Do you guys have different set up options?

Of course! We have 6 different set up options. CLICK HERE to see all of our set up and menu options. Want something special? Just ask!

How does this all work?

Glad you asked :) We bring it all! We bring tables, tablecloths, decorations, and of course, the donuts!

All we need is power, a cover for hot weather, and lighting for dark nights.

You need power?

Since we fry the donuts on site, we do need a dedicated 120V/20AMP circuit. Kindly note coffee services requires an additional dedicated circuit for heating water.

What comes with your coffee service?

Our coffee service is unlimited coffee for the duration of your event, brewed fresh on site. This includes cups, lids, stir sticks, sugar, sugar substitutes, and cream.

What do you do with the leftovers?

We leave a dozen of our mini donut boxes at the end of every service. If you’re interested in more, please ask!